Call 1-800-244-7282 -- 11 Water Street Waterville, Maine 04901

We have normal hours but due to covid we could be closed on any given day.
It is recommended you always call at least a day ahead or that day to see if we will be open. Call between 9 and 5pm
Not always open on Saturdays due to staffing shortages

Bungee Trampoline

The Perfect Bungee Jumping System

The Bungee Trampoline is a safe and accessible way for children and adults to experience all the thrills of acrobatics and Bungy Jumping, but with none of the risks.

On our system jumpers can attain heights in excess of 24 feet in the air. Flips and Summersaults are easy for any age or size. These thrills are unique and unmatched by any other device.